Montpellier 18th August 2012

Wow, I didn't realise it had been such a long time since I last wrote anything, but a visitor last night had found my blog and reminded me ... I'll restart, as Montpellier is a fantastically interesting place to live and now we have more time and our car is French, we go out and about a lot more.
It's the
Canicule here, the Dog Days, when the temperature exceeds 35° on a regular basis. Luckily our apartment is pretty cool: we have a shady front garden and with the back door open there is a steady through stream of air, as soon as there is a bit of a breeze.
We're only off to LIDL this morning, which is nothing like a British LIDL! We buy saucisson, duck, farm chicken, organic carrots, goats' cheese and unbelievable bottles of a very drinkable Fitou at less than 2 euros a piece ... Tomorrow evening a little trip to the seaside to see a business connection - we don't go to the seaside normally on a summer weekend, far too crowded! Pictures to follow!