Elsien's Traveblogue

Friday, June 04, 2010

Naples, Friday 4th June 2010

No blogging for two months – life took over. The work in Paris came to an end in April, I visited friends and family in Holland and I spent almost all of May in Brussels, where I had more Commission work. I finished my Art History Renaissance Module, wrote an assignment about Vasari and Uccello, did the second Module, on 18th / 19th century British landscape and Social Art History and wrote an assignment on the development of the art of drawing and now I've got a week in Naples, where I'm hoping to find some of the Caravaggio paintings I had to study last year. I saw all the Caravaggios one can see in Florence, London and Paris, so now Naples, but there's still quite a few to see in Rome – next February! as well as some in Sicily and on Malta, a nice little project!
I'm staying in a lovely little apartment on the Via Toledo, opposite the Spanish Quarter, apparently built by one of the Spanish Dukes for his troops in the 16th century. It is a warren of steep little streets, where I found some basic groceries last night – will explore it a little more today.
From the roof terrace – the apartment is on the fifth floor of the Palazzo Rossini – I get a splendid view over Naples, but I'm not sure if I can see the sea, it was rather hazy last night. There is an Internet cable in the laundry room (!) upstairs, from where I can check my emails, post this blog and Skype my e-learning students: I have three students who study English with a computer-based programme who I have to do a 30-minute telephone session with each week. I won't use the webcam!
Will do some exploring today and take some pictures which I'll post tomorrow. See Naples and die...

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