Wednesday 3rd March 2010, Paris
Sunny weather holding, but it's not very warm, sitting outside is a bit of a chilly business. Went to the Musée Carnavalet again today – quite a nice walk there (but Metro back!).
I ignored Marcel Proust's bedroom this time and concentrated on the amazing collection of B-list paintings they have there, all to do with the history of Paris. My next OU Module is on Landscape and the Social History of Art and I am wondering whether they will count 'changing urban landscape' as in Paris, 19th century, as a potential topic for my 2nd year project (5000 words).
Found some great pictures, but the gallery I most wanted to see, where they have paintings between 1850 and 1900 was unfortunately closed, not sure why. I'll be back!
Had a quick look at the Place des Vosges, which used to be my favourite square in Paris. Not sure now, I find it almost too classical for my taste now.
Sun still shining, so time for a beer in the sun wrapped in coat and scarf. Back to UK tomorrow where I am staying in a hotel in Swiss Cottage (half price late booking). I have a ticket for a lecture / gallery visit of the Van Gogh exhibition at the Royal Academy on Friday and an OU Conference at Birkbeck's on Saturday. Staying at oldest son's on Sunday, back to Paris on Monday...