Monday 1st March, back in Paris
Got to Brussels OK, got out of Brussels OK, even if there was a very slow replacement bus from Brussels to Lille, with some braying business men on it, who worked for GSK Harlow, of all places.
Spent a nice weekend with J in Brussels, did some work at the European Commission on Monday and Tuesday and was back in Harlow on Wednesday night. Had to clear my books, clothes and personal stuff out of the flat as I've rented it out from 1st March. This turned out to be a bit of a mistake, as I found out a few days ago that the job in Versailles comes to an end on 13th April. Just as well I didn't get myself a flat in Paris from March to July! Thank you, axe murderer!
Anyway, I moved all my stuff to Josh' and Stacey's in Stortford, where I have a nice little guest bedroom and got back on the Eurostar to Paris this morning, where I am staying in a hotel not far from where I was before.Working in Versailles tomorrow, back to art collections Wednesday, return to London Thursday ....