Paris, Monday 8th February 2010
A very grey, foggy and rather cold day. Caught up with OU study, which has now officially started. Read the rather dense Introduction finally – I'd only skimmed through it before – and answered the question: 'What is Contemporary Art History?'
Did some more reading – there seems to be a lot of it.
Then went to try and find a little studio for 1st March, when I shall be homeless. Saw four agents. Two didn't have anything, one only a studio in Neuilly – too far out. They didn't even bother to take my name! The fourth might have a studio which is still being renovated at the moment and a one-bedroom apartment, which might be above my budget though. At least he took my name and phone number!
Teaching tomorrow, had to write out 24 cards by hand for a role play I am planning as I haven't found a printer yet at the University. Will do some Internet searches for a studio on Wednesday and go to some more agents. May not get to see much art in the next few days ...
Paris, Tuesday 9th February 2010
Spent day teaching. The weather was terrible, it has got very cold and it snowed in Versailles all morning. When I left, the snow was turning to slush, but it was still jolly cold.
Administration and organisation at the University of Versailles are still crap.Have finally found out where and how to do photocopies, but one of the designated machines apparently never works ... If I thought Enfield College was bad .... Will get some pictures of the university and its surroundings next week ...