Florence, Thursday 12th February 2009Had to do my washing today – I only brought a week's worth of knickers – so couldn't go out this morning until the washing machine had stopped running. Yes, Apartment David comes equipped with washing machine! They are now drying at a dizzying height.
Continued on my Medici-tour and looked at the Basilica San Lorenzo, the family church, designed by Brunelleschi. It is a real first of the Renaissance architectural marvels, cool, classical, with perspectival lines on a white and grey marble floor-plan, a splendid thing of beauty. It is more or less attached to the Medici mausoleum/chapel, which Michelangelo designed. I went there on Tuesday. Unfortunately, the Medici Library which Michelangelo also designed and which heralded the Baroque, is currently closed for renovation, shame.
Many of the 'ordinary' churches, those not on the main tourist trail, are also closed a lot, so I'll have to work out when the faithful are allowed in for Mass and join them.
Did a fair bit of 'random' walking today as it was a beautiful, clear, sunny albeit chilly day and Florence is a lovely place to walk around in. Have also been diligently studying and found that the Judith and Holofernes in the Uffizi, which I had thought was one of Caravaggio's most violent works, was actually painted by the daughter of his mate and partner-in-crime, Orazio Gentileschi, Artemisia. Now, here's a problem I am supposed to be studying: How does knowing that Artemisia was raped by her art teacher, Tassi, help to understand this painting???