Past and PresentClass yesterday: 2 of the 8 absent. 2 of the remaining 6 were on time. 2 arrived without a book. What can I say?
I dwell in the past again: below some pictures of Egypt last year. The one of the 'hole' is the scary entrance to one of the pyramids at Gizah, near Cairo. To go inside, you have to crawl through a dark, dank, hot and humid passage that's only just big enough for 1 person. It descends fairly steeply down into a cavern where there is litle to see. Claustrophobia rules OK.
One of the river views is the Nile at Aswan. You can see just about to the Sudanese border from the vantage point.
By the way, that poor teacher in Sudan, Gillian somebody: I do feel sorry for her, although her blog from prison must be quite entertaining. She'll never be able to say she's only 51 again, as she always seems to be on the news as "... a 54-year-old teacher ...". Before we all break into indignation about her plight, let me say that plenty of teachers in UK are regularly accused of equally absurd transgressions. I remember an ex-colleague who was suspended for months for receiving and accidentally forwarding some 'cute' pictures of babies sent by the Turkish cousin of his wife. I saw them, they were definitely not pedophile material! Granted, he wasn't threatened with flogging, but prison was not entirely excluded. The disciplinary procedure was as dubious as what's happening to Gillian.